‘A special day for special children and their families’ Montgomery County Recreation County Wide Programs (240) 777-6870 4010 Randolph Road Silver Spring, MD 20902 Fax (240) 777-6890 The Montgomery County Fair will again be an exciting place for some special children and their families this year. The Montgomery County Agricultural Fair, the City of Gaithersburg, the Montgomery County Department of Recreation, in conjunction with area businesses, are sponsoring a day at the fair for children with severe disabilities or life-threatening illness, designating them 2012 Children’s Day VIP’s. Children’s Day at the Fair, August 13, 2012, will include lunch for the children and their families, free admission to rides, special VIP parking and 4-H Club members as guides to escort the families to areas behind the scenes. The Children’s Day at the Fair Committee is asking for help in identifying children who would benefit from this program. In order to be selected a Children’s Day VIP; the child must be a resident of Montgomery County between the ages of five and fourteen years old and must have a disability or life-threatening illness. The family must also be able to attend the Fair on Monday, August 15th as honored guests. If you know of a child (or children) who you feel would benefit from this very special program, please complete the enclosed application form and return it to Charlie Butler Montgomery County Recreation 4010 Randolph Road Silver Spring, MD 20902. You may fax the application to (240) 777- 6890. If you have any questions about the program, please call Charlie Butler at the Montgomery County Recreation Department at (240) 777-6870. Applications must be received by July 13, 2012. The Children’s Day VIPs will then be selected by the Children’s Day at the Fair Committee. Thank you for your assistance with the program. Sincerely, Children’s Day at the Fair Committee Sponsored by Montgomery County Agricultural Fair, Montgomery County Recreation, Montgomery County 4H and City of Gaithersburg