Theo nguồn tin của anh Long If you own and live in your home, you are eligible for the Maryland Homestead Tax Credit which caps the increases in real estate taxes. As a result of State Legislation, homeowners must apply for the Homestead Credit by Monday, December 31, 2012. Have you applied for the credit? If you haven’t applied for the credit, your property taxes will not be capped. To find out if you have already filed the one-time application in the past five years, you should go to the SDAT website: and select your County name where your property is located and enter the Street address. Do not include the street extension (Road, Ave, etc.). You should see a page displaying your account number (Please jot down your account number because you will need the number for your application) and information about your property. If you page down to the bottom of the page, you will see the heading “Homestead Application Information”. If your status indicates “No Application”, then you need to complete and return the attached application no later than Monday, December 31, 2012. The application only takes 5 minutes to complete. There are three ways that you can file the homestead application: 1) File electronically: You can only use this method if an application was mailed out to you that contained an Access Number so you may file electronically at 2) Mail the application: You can mail in the completed paper application that SDAT sent you and mail application to: Department of Assessments and Taxation Homestead Tax Credit Division 301 West Preston Street, 8th Floor Baltimore MD 21201 Applications must be mailed and postmarked by December 31, 2012. 3) Fax the application: You may also fax in the completed paper application to the Department at 410-225-9344. If you need more information about the Homestead Tax Credit, please go to If you have any questions, or need my assistance in any way, please call me at 301-434-2617 (Free Service) Have a Happy New Year! Sincerely HdLong — Bài vở, thư từ, đóng góp xin gửi về: Vietnamese Literary & Artistic Club (VNLAC) Nha Viet-Nam Non-Profit Organization 3701 Rose Lane, Annandale, VA 22003 Email: Website: VNLAC.ORG CFC# 37953 United Way #8423