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For Immediate Release: 1/14/2015 Volunteers Needed to Lead Free Bone Builders Classes Throughout Montgomery County Volunteers are needed to lead free Bone Builders exercise classes that help prevent falls and fractures caused by osteoporosis. The one-hour daytime classes, held twice-weekly throughout the County, are led by trained volunteers, are designed to prevent and slow the development of osteoporosis. Regular participants can help increase their bone density naturally through the classes, an effective option for those who may not wish to use anti-osteoporosis medications. Osteoporosis causes bones to become thin and to break easily. Although osteoporosis can strike at any age, it affects one in three women and one in eight men over age 50. Each session is based on bone density research and includes balance and weight training. Among other activities, volunteers will demonstrate the exercises, encourage and assist participants, and ensurie a safe, clutter-free environment. Volunteer leaders receive two full days of free training, as well as periodic refresher classes, ongoing support and supervision by master trainers. The next two-day trainings are scheduled for Friday, February 20 and Friday, March 13 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Potomac United Methodist Church, 10300 Falls Rd., Potomac. Bone Builders is sponsored by Montgomery County’s RSVP program and Aging and Disability Services, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. For more information or to register for the training, contact the Bone Builders Program at 240-773-8268 or email . # # # Release ID: 15-020 Media Contact: Mary Anderson 240-777-6534]]>