Theo nguồn tin của Montgomery Park

WHAT: Woodlawn Visitor Center Grand Opening WHEN: Saturday, June 11 from 12AM to 4PM WHERE: 16501 Norwood Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860
Something old, something new . . . Montgomery Parks is excited to open this historic gem to the public. Explore the Stone Barn exhibits where echoes of the past will tell the story of a bustling farm, its community, and those who made a bold bid for freedom on the Underground Railroad. Learn about Woodlawn’s earliest residents and their neighbors. The celebration will include, living history demonstrations, tours, activities for children, food, live music and a special performance at 1:00 pm featuring the extraordinary music of the Washington Revels Jubilee Voices (pictured at right). The Washington Revels Jubilee Voices ensemble is committed to the preservation of African American history and traditions – presenting songs and stories of struggle and perseverance, trials and triumphs, as expressed through a cappella music, drama and dance. – Woodlawn Visitor Center event poster (PDF, 101KB) County Council Tour of Woodlawn Stone Barn Visitor Center. Opening June 2016 The Sandy Spring area has strong historical ties to Underground Railroad activity. The exhibits inside the buildings, including a unique audiovisual program projected on the interior stone walls of the stone barn, will pay tribute to the Quakers and Underground Railroad experience in Montgomery County. Restoration work was completed on the stone barn and carriage house in November 2015. For more information about park development projects, visit or call 301-495-2595]]>