Gaithersburg Fireworks at Bohrer Park Rescheduled for July 8
Theo tin Thành Phố Gaithersburg
Posted: July 22, 2016 Labor Day Parade The ever-popular Gaithersburg Labor Day Parade returns to the streets of Olde Towne on Monday, September 5, 2016, at 1 p.m. Now in its 78th year, this rain or shine event includes high school marching bands, dance groups, costumed characters, antique cars and fire engines, equestrian units, clowns, and more, all winding their way down East Diamond and Russell Avenues. Are you interested in participating this year? The City is looking for community groups and other organizations to march in the parade. This is a great way to be involved in the community and to get your group noticed, plus your unit might even win a special award. Note that participation in the Labor Day Parade by groups or organizations other than City of Gaithersburg officials, departments or committees does not constitute City of Gaithersburg endorsement. A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available for businesses to showcase their products and services while demonstrating community pride at the same time. There are several levels from which to choose. Organizations and individual volunteers are also needed to distribute program booklets, assist with the parade line-up and participate as characters in the parade. The Labor Day Parade Participant Application and Agreement Forms are available at here and in the Related Documents section. Both forms must be completed to participate in the parade. For more information please contact Special Events Division with the Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture. During the parade, free parking will be available in the Olde Towne garage, located at the corner of Olde Towne and South Summit Avenues. Accessible parking for those with disability placards or plates is available behind the Victor Litz store on the north side of Diamond Avenue and behind the Shell station on South Summit Avenue. Free shuttle bus service will also be provided from the Lakeforest Shopping Center transit station to Gaithersburg Elementary School beginning at noon.]]>