For Immediate Release: Monday, January 25, 2016 Montgomery County government & facilities will be closed on Monday, January 25. No trash & recycling pickup on Monday. Residents should NOT take their items to the curb. Montgomery County Public Schools will not be in session Monday, January 25 and Tuesday, January 26. Ride On bus service will not be operating on Monday, January 25. Free parking in County garages and parking lots is extended until Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 9 a.m. All County liquor stores will be closed on Monday, January 25. Historic snowfall of nearly 3 feet means that clearance of roads includes not only plowing but also hauling away record amounts of snow. Challenges: in many places snow cannot just be pushed to the side, but must be hauled out. Below freezing temperatures mean even cleared roads ice overnight. County crews continue to work 24/7. Priority: first clear 1000 lane miles of emergency and primary roads. Only after that is finished are plows and trucks into the neighborhoods. Next: clear 4000 lane miles of neighborhood roads. Initial object: to make them passable, not bare pavement. Then come follow-up runs to complete the work. The County urges Montgomery County residents to clear snow from sidewalks in front of their homes as is possible. Any enforcement for now of sidewalk snow removal will be reasonable and follow common sense. For public safety, clear snow in a three-foot radiance from fire hydrants. Parking lot managers for commercial and residential parking lots are urged not to block disability parking spaces during their snow removal efforts. Bottom line: be assured we continue to work as hard as possible but recovery will be a MULTI day event. Continue to stay at home. Stay off the roads so we can get the job done and public safety and emergency personnel can reach those in critical need. The County’s 311 Call Center is open 24/7 for the storm. Call 311 or 240-777-0311. Release ID: 16-035 Media Contact:]]>