Theo nguồn tin tiếng Việt trên trang mạng của For Immediate Release: 5/16/2014 Leggett Celebrates Bike to Work Day by Offering Reduced Price Bikeshare Memberships to County Employees; Also Announces Doubling of Bikeshare Usage To celebrate Bike to Work Day today, Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett announced that the County will offer employees a steep discount for a limited time on a Capital Bikeshare membership. Leggett also released data on the County’s bikeshare usage in April, showing that it nearly doubled compared to March. “For more and more people in Montgomery County and the region, ‘Bike to Work’ is not just something to do once a year; rather it’s their regular routine,” said Leggett. “Biking to work or just for fun provides an affordable transportation option and makes our communities more livable while promoting good health and reducing air pollution. To encourage our employees to give Bikeshare a try, we will be offering them a special discounted membership. I hope that other employers in the County will do the same. Regional Bikeshare users have taken nearly seven million trips because it’s another cost effective transit option that can help reduce traffic congestion by eliminating the need to drive for short distances.” To encourage County employees to become members, Montgomery County has become a silver level corporate partner of Capital Bikeshare, entitling employees to purchase memberships at the reduced rate of $25 for an unlimited number of trips of less than 30 minutes. Members will be responsible for usage fees for trips lasting longer than 30 minutes. This membership offer will be available to eligible employees from May 16 to June 30. Individual Capital Bikeshare memberships cost $75 a year. Leggett encouraged other employers and organizations in the County to become a corporate, hotel or community partner of Capital Bikeshare. Partners can buy Bikeshare gift certificates for their employees or encourage them to sign up at discounted rates. Leggett also announced that use of Montgomery County’s Bikeshare program nearly doubled from March to April. The number of trips originating in Montgomery County grew from 1,630 in March to 3,182 in April, an increase of 95 percent. The total number of trips since the program began in September 2013 through April 2014 is 11,533. County employees will receive an email explaining how to sign up for the discounted rate. Other residents can sign up for a Bikeshare membership online. A list and map of the County’s stations and more information on the entire regional system are available at For information on corporate Bikeshare memberships, eligibility for free memberships and program benefits available for low income, reverse commuters and job trainees, contact Montgomery County Commuter Services at 240-777-8380 or # # # Release ID: 14-223 Media Contact: Esther Bowring 240-777-6507