Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng của thành phố Gaithersburg quận Montgomery 2nd Annual La Milla de Mayo will be held on Saturday, May 6, 2017, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. La Milla de Mayo (The May Mile) is the perfect one-mile run/walk for those new to running or wanting to improve their mile in a fun, block party atmosphere in Olde Towne, Gaithersburg. Participants are invited to celebrate the race’s completion with music, food, Salsa dancing, and Cinco de Mayo festivities. Free Kids Fun Runs kick off the race! Runners of all ages and levels are eligible to register for this event. East Diamond Avenue will be closed on Saturday, May 6, from 4 p.m. until approximately 7:30 p.m. for the La Milla De Mayo Race. Please seek alternate routes during this time. Sponsorship information can be found in the Related Documents section. Registration opens January 2, 2017 and will be available here through the Montgomery County Road Runners Club website. Schedule Time Activity 5:30 – 7:30 PM Free Festival Runners & Spectators Welcome 5:30 PM Zumba Warm Up #1; ½ and ¼ Mile Kids Fun Runs 5:45 PM Zumba Warm Up #2 6 PM One Mile Walk / Run Fees One-Mile Adult (12 & over) – T-Shirt Included Early Registration (January 2 – March 31) $25 Registration (April 1 – 30 at 11:59 p.m.) $27 One-Mile Adult (12 & over) – No T-Shirt Early Registration (January 2 – March 31) $15 Registration (April 1 – 30 at 11:59 p.m.) $17 Late Registration (May 1 – May 6 at noon) $19 One-Mile Child (Ages 5 – 11) Registration (January 2 – May 6 at noon) $10 One-Mile Child (Under Age 5) Registration (January 2 – May 6 at noon) $5 Kids ½ Mile & ¼ Mile Fun Runs Free, Registration is required. Registration for the Kids Funs Runs is open from January 2 – May 6 at noon. La Milla De Mayo is an official USA Track & Field (USATF) certified race course. USATF is the National Governing Body for track & field, long-distance running and race walking in the United States. It encompasses the world’s oldest organized sports, the most-watched events of Olympic broadcasts, the No. 1 high school and junior high school participatory sport, and more than 30 million adult runners in the United States. The race is presented by the City of Gaithersburg in partnership with the Montgomery County Road Runners Club. Through corporate sponsorships and donations, proceeds benefit the City’s Dolores C. Swoyer Camp Scholarship Fund, which provides summer camp registration fees for underprivileged youth. Frequently Asked Questions Will there be awards for each age group? Yes, there will be awards for the top finisher in each age group: 14-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80 and up What if I miss the online registration deadline? If you miss the online registration deadline there will be in-person registration at the Start Line at Girard Business Center at 220 Girard Street. Where should I park? Parking will be available at Gaithersburg Elementary and Middle Schools, at the Olde Towne parking garage at Olde Towne and Summit Avenues, and at the Girard parking lot on Diamond Avenue. How early should I arrive? Plan to arrive around 30 minutes before the race if you are pre-registered. If you plan to register on race day, you will need to arrive earlier to get your materials. How does the race work? Racers should line up according to how they expect to finish, runners in the front, then joggers, then walkers in the back. There will be multiple “waves” so line up with the wave you feel will fit your pace. Listen for the race announcements and when it’s time for your wave, get to it! What do I do with the race bib? You will be given four safety pins along with your bib. Pin the bib to the front of your shirt. Will there be water on the course? Yes, there will be water at the finish line. Where is packet pick-up? Packet pick-up will be on-site at the corner of Girard and Diamond Ave. starting at 4:30 p.m. on race day only. Once you receive your packet, please proceed to the start line. Will there be bathrooms at the start/finish? There will be port-a-johns placed at the start line and in the festival area. How does timing work? We are using chip timing so you will be given a timing chip to attach to your shoe at the start and asked to place the chip in a bin at the finish line. The chip will keep track of your time, which you can see posted later online. What other festivities will be happening? Before the race we will be offering Zumba lessons as a warm-up and after the race there will be a block party with music, dancing, and arts and craft activities. Are strollers allowed? Yes, just make sure to line up near the back if you are walking with a stroller.]]>